Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Good bye blog!

hey everyone,
Sorry for not posting in like, forever, but I'm saying goodbye to this blog - boo. I just think when I first started this I wasn't really 'ready' to come into the blogging world, but now I feel like I am so I've opened a brand new blog!

Please please please come check mine out, it's


It would mean SO much to me that all 13 of you followed my new blog, which is currently at 0 followers, cry. If you don't have blogger you can even follow it by email, by entering your email into a gadget on the side bar, selecting submit and away you go :)

Thank-you for following me on my slightly immature blog, I hope to hear from you on my new one :D xxx

Thursday, 24 January 2013


The Glipho interface 'Desk' (basically our dashboard)

The lovely Maria from the new blog site glipho.com got in touch with me today via Twitter to ask whether I would like to use their platform to promote and show my blogs - of course, I said yes without hesitation! 

I was super excited to get into this so I created my account as soon as I got home from meeting my boyfriend out of workies. I love the way the desk is laid out, everything's so easy to spot and there are tonnes of writers out there whose posts are so interesting! When you sign up you get to choose what sort of style blog you're interested in following, I selected 'Beauty and Fashion' and 'Lifestyle' to get me started. 

It's so easy to export these blog posts into their interface too, you just find the export option in Blogger and copy and paste the file into Glipho - super quick and super easy!

I have a feeling I'm going to come to like this site alot, and I'll probably post on both so be sure to check me out over there too :) glipho.com/chloelouisecope. The only downside I would say with this website is that you can't customise it as much as blogger, with the themes and things so for people that really like to customise everything you may find it difficult loving the site as much as I do now!

Come visit? xx

Skincare Routine

Hello lovies,
As you may, or may not, know I've changed my view on make-up and skincare as part of my new New Years Resolutions (view here) and I'm going to make myself comfortable and confident enough with my skin so that I don't reach for my make-up as a daily feature. I thought I'd do a quick post then of my skincare routine as of today (it changes alot depending on how I'm feeling.)

Okay so first of here are all the products used in my skincare routine:

(apologies for the super big photo, because I take all my photos on my iPhone the detail wasn't great on smaller ones :( )

We've got:
- Garnier Makeup Remover for sensitive skin
- Fragrance free baby wipes
- Regular cotton wool pads
- Simple Intensive Hydrating Moisturiser
- St. Ives Apricot Exfoliating Wash
- Oilatum Moisturiser (Prescription but can also be bought)
- Simple Moisturising Facial Wash
- T-Zone Tea Tree Facial Wash
- Freederm spot and blemish gel

I use the majority of these products daily, it's only the exfoliating wash I use every 3 days because I don't want to buff my skin away daily, also I don't usually tend to use both facial washes, I'll either use the simple one or the tea tree one, it depends on my spot and blemish levels really. I tend to use the tea tree one when I have blemishes because I feel it will fight them alot better than the Simple wash.

I just want to take a moment to rave about the Freederm gel, this product is genuinely amazing in my opinion. It's a little expensive at £5.10 for a 10g tube but boy does this baby work! You put it on the spotty/blemished areas after washing and before moisturising and it basically targets those spots and blemishes that are annoying to get rid of using the active ingredients within. I use this only when I have spots and things and I've found it works wonders, the spots have decreased in size and their nearly pale after being red the day before. I also find that it doesn't dry my skin out like other spot sticks/gels I've used before. A definite holy grail product for me!

I didn't think I used alot of products until writing this post! Maybe I need to cut down on a few..

Do you have a holy grail skin care product? Have you used any of these products before? 
Please let me know, I love getting comments and I promise I'll reply :') x

Monday, 21 January 2013


Recently I've been finding that blogging makes me buy things that I will never necessarily use or want because my posts are seriously lacking in products recently. 

So I'm throwing it out there, to you guys, my lovely followers:
What blog posts would you like to see? 
I'll try to do them as quickly and as best as I can, being at college makes it difficult to post during the week but at weekends I'm sure I can get some in :) I'm also thinking of doing reviews on the products I got for Christmas as I've been using them repeatedly since and I can now give opinions, but if there are any products you'd specifically like me to review/talk about leave me a comment below and I'll be more than happy to put these top of my list!

Oo, I'm also thinking about taking a break from blogging for a while, I probably won't last very long because I do love it, but I want to focus on college and things as much as possible, after all, 5 months left then I'm gone from education forever.. Scary stuff.

Chlo x

Teeny Weeny Haul

Hello lovelies!
I put myself on a spending ban this year as part of my resolutions, it’s not a full ban as such because I still buy things but because I’ve given my boyfriend my card it’s hard to spend money on a whim because he has it most of the time – but on the odd occassion I do need to treat myself to some new little things, like last Wednesday. I rewarded myself for finishing my exam and feeling it went okay (usually they go terribly wrong!). We nipped into town and I spent all of £10 on myself, admittedly I bought Luke a hat, but it’s so cute.
I managed to find, among the mass of people, a lovely makeup bag from Primark – I know a lot of people slate this shop but I genuinely love going in (when it’s quiet) because some times they have little gems like this that you really can’t complain at buying!

As you can see it’s a lovely pale pink colour with little browny/grey reeds on and white petals, I think the tag called it the ‘Oriental Pattern’ which fits it perfectly. I also love the little plastic bead type jewel on the zip, it adds a little more girlyness which is super cute. This beauty only cost me £3 (!!) and I already love it, I can literally fit everything in. I don’t have a huge makeup collection (I only buy everyday items that I use daily) so it all fits in nicely, including my big tube of moisturiser and toner! Bonus as now I know when I grab this for a stayover or something everything’s in there, done and dusted.
I also got some gloves with the special pads at the end of the fingertips so I can use my iPhone as it’s so cold out and without gloves my hands freeze, but these were too big for me so I’ve given those to a friend without photographing them, sorry! They were also from Primark though, £2.50.
Luke treated me to some pieces of stationary I’ve been after for a while now from Paperchase. I’d been after a set of revision cards/index cards for a while because I find that when I make my own out of paper they get ruined so quickly and all my writing’s wonky because they aren’t any lines :(. So when we saw these index cards I knew I had to have them, they were a mere £2.75 for 100 and the quality of the card is super good, I bought a silver gel pen to go with them to make my revision notes that bit sparkly. I also go the travel cup on the right which I adore, I’ve used it every morning since buying it for when I’m waiting at the bus stop and I’m pretty sure everyone’s envious. It has cute little horses on, although weirdly the different parts of their body are different colours..
That’s literally it I’m afraid, it really was such a teeny weeny haul haha! Hopefully some more will be coming soon, also I’m thinking of some reviews of the things I got for Christmas.. Please follow/comment xxx

Sunday, 20 January 2013

New, New Year's Resolutions

This year I didn't really make any resolutions because I know I break them too quickly, but one thing I know I want to change this year is my confidence in my own skin, because yes, makeup is great, but once its been taken off, then what? Why don't we get comfortable and happy in our own skin first? Surely we'd save money on beauty products and all sorts? I know I have bad days where I'll be grabbing for my BB cream and powder but I'm aiming for 99% of my days wearing no makeup (except mascara, but that doesn't really count). 

So my resolution is:
To stop thinking about what products I could buy to cover up and to start thinking about the products I could buy to clear up my skin so that when it comes to bed time and mornings I look the same as I do during the day.

I think skincare is a big thing for me, and because I have eczema I've always had to have been careful about products I use, so more often than not I stick to Simple, Witch and the Bodyshop because I know they work wonders for my skin and don't leave it all itchy and sore, boo. 

Do you have any products to recommend on this front? Home remedies? Please let me know! x 

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Tag, you're it!

I am SO happy to have received this tag from the lovely Lauren at Peachy Curves! Please please please if you don't read any of this post go and check out her blog. She's such a lovely person and leaves cute messages and tweets and she's just lovely :')

Answer the 11 set questions, made by me :D 
Set 11 questions for the 11 people you tag to answer
Mention the blog who tagged you 

Lauren's Questions:

1. Describe your perfect home.
This is a really tricky one, because it used to change alot. I'd love to live in a little white cottage with ivy growing up it and have a little white picket fence and a wood fire in the lounge with real logs burning and an agar in the kitchen and rugs and everything. 

2. Favourite accessory?
Hm, this is a tricky one because I don't really have one. I always wear my pandora bracelet and ring which were bought by my lovely boyfriend, but they're kind of jewellery more than accessory.. I do love bags, big bags mind, not the little clutch style ones.. 

3. If someone anonymously gave you £1 million, what would you do with it?
Erm! Well firstly I'd thank the anonymous person, if that's possible(?).. I'd thank every single person in the hope of finding the person who gave me the money. Then I'd pay off my parents' mortage on our house, then probably put the rest into a bank for safe keeping. (After buying a car for my boyfriend)

4. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
An unlimited amount of wishes, probably a faster metabolism, aaaand the knowledge to pass all my exams!

5. Biggest celebrity crush?
Well, this was an easy one! Jenson Button (below). He's probably not a big celeb that everyone knows, but he's so dreamy.. :') 
6. Bold lips or bold eyes?
I prefer lips, simply for the fact that bold eyes can go easily wrong so quickly and when you're talking to people they tend to look at your lips more to lip read.

7. What are your top two books or films? (Or both!)
Yay! A book question haha. I love the entire Sherlock Holmes collection which I have my boyfriend to thank for getting me into Sherlock, oh and Robert Downey Jr. for being such a hot Sherlock.. My second favourite book would have to be The Runaway by Martina Cole, I read this recently due to a recommendation from a friend and it is such a good book! A little off the ordinary but it makes it worth the read! Film wise, anything Disney is in this. My fave Disney film is Toy Story without a doubt, followed by Up. Non-animated though it would have to be Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows. That's more than 2 but I have to share my love for them, sorry!

8. Which personal achievement are you most proud of?
This is a tough one because other than exams I haven't really achieved anything. It'd have to be starting driving lessons, not much of an achievement yet but I was super nervous when I turned 17 so I put it off until now (a year later) so I'm quite proud of myself for starting.

9. Describe your perfect first date.
Ha! This is going to have to be the first date me and my current boyfriend had. We met at work, and obviously were talking there but out of work there wasn't much, until we both plucked up the courage to decide we should have a date. It was summer so we went for a long walk and oh boy we walked for a long time! But it was great because we were just laughing and talking and no-one else was there to interfere (like at work). It's not really a date but that's perfect to me.

10. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
The ability to stop time without a doubt. Not to go back and change the past, because that's just that, the past, but to stop time with that one person or many people you love and just enjoy it whilst you can. 

11. What would you have said to yourself five years ago?
That's a long time ago! I don't even remember being 13 haha! Probably not to go with the huge fringe, and stay clear of tuna on holiday!

My questions to you:

1. What was the best moment of your life so far?
2. Which do you prefer, books or films? Why?
3. Describe your perfect wardrobe.
4. Animation or real people?
5. What's your favourite high street store?
6. Who is your favourite super hero? Why?
7. Which do you prefer, sandwiches or wraps?
8. Describe your perfect world.
9. Do you have any pets?
10. What are you looking to achieve this year? 
11. What would your last meal be on Earth should something awful happen?

I tag you lovely people:

1. Lauren at Peachy Curves
2. Naomi at naomijadex5
3. Gem at missmakeupmagpie
4. Tash at itssimplybeauty
5. Amy at Nail the Look
6. Christina at Ironic Sparkles
7. Jess at Copper Garden
8. Amy at Fashion Junkie
9. Sophie at Sophie Rose Hearts
10. Eleanor at unrealisticfiasco
11. Laura at Pale Girl Reviews


Hello lovelies!
I'm thinking of redecorating my blog, so to speak, so that it's a tad nicer and better and so it's easier to reach me via twitter and other sites, but I have NO idea how to do it through blogger..

If anyone could comment and give me a hand that would be so lovely and appreciated!

Chloe xx

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

URL change problems.

Hahaha this picture is literally what I was like when I found out it was bodging because I'd changed address. hahaha :)

I recently changed my blog URL because my old one - cheesecake-charmbraclets.blogspot.co.uk - was far too long and twitter kept shortening it and it was rubbish, so now it's this one.

The only thing is I'm having issues with people who followed the old one now not being able to get my posts in their feed on Blogger, so please comment if you had the same problem and I am trying to get the word out of my change in URL but it's hard :(

Sorry guys, I probably should have just left it as it was! x

Something different

Recently my hours at work have decreased so much and it's making me realise how much I need to pinch those pennies to finally start saving money.. Going from more or less a guaranteed 10-15 hours a week to being lucky if I get 3 hours a week is such a shock to the system so I've thought about different ways I could earn an income on the side as I only work weekends anyway.

A while back I went through this really weird time where I couldn't leave the house because I was having anxiety style attacks and I'd get so upset it was impossible for me to do anything other than stay inside, and when I went to the doctors they asked me all sorts of questions and we came to the conclusion that I needed a hobby, because at the time I had none. I would literally go to college, come home, work a little bit, see my lovely boyfriend, eat, sleep and start the cycle all over again with work thrown in at the weekends. I'm not denying that my boyfriend is the best thing that I have alongside all my friends and family but I acknowledge now I do need something that's for me. Admittedly, blogging has filled something and it is a hobby now, but I still want something more.. 

Thinking about both an extra income on the side and needing a hobby I've decided to maybe start up my own little business/hobby. I love creating things and stitching, sewing, cross-stitch etc and my mum's recently bought an amazing sewing machine that I'm pretty sure does everything for you! Anyway, without all the drivel I've decided/thinking of making my own homemade home accessories type dealio. 

I'm going to start with smaller things, such as pillow covers, cushion covers, table decorations, aprons etc and I'm hoping if all goes well with that then I may move onto bigger things! I'd love to hear your opinion about this and whether you think it's a good idea. I've been so stuck on the idea I've even drawn up some ideas and things to show you lovely people. So please comment if you'd like to see them!

I'd literally be selling most things for less than £10 with p+p extra so I can make a teeny profit on it all. 

Let me know what you think! Feedback is so welcome aha! 

Monday, 7 January 2013

50 Followers Celebratory Goodie Bags!

I've decided to do something a little different from the norm and I've thought of doing a goodie bag giveaway type thing when I reach 50 followers! I'm SUPER excited and I need 43 new followers  to achieve 50! Unfortunately though it would have to be UK only :( sorry my lovelies!

Basically when I reach 50 followers I'll do a giveaway style entry thingy and then from this I'll pick 2 or 5 (not decided yet, it depends on my bank balance at the time hehe!) to win and they'll each receive a goodie bag style gift.

Some of the things I'm thinking of including within the parcels are:

  • a nail polish
  • a book
  • a few beauty products (cleanser, makeup etc)
  • roomy items (sprays, candles etc) 
  • vouchers for either money off (depends if I can grab any aha!) 
  • a dvd
Basically I'm trying to go with things you wouldn't normally get, as personally I'd love to get a dvd and book alongside beauty items because I think books are such wonderful things to receive but they're not loved as much anymore! Booo.

I'd love to hear comments on what you'd like to see included in the goodiebags/parcels as I want you guys to get lovely things for following me and my blog! Let me know either through this or contact me via twitter! @chloelpsie It'd be lovely to hear from y'all! xxx

Sunday, 6 January 2013


I haven't blogged in a while, not on purpose but simply because I'm planning a blog sale and I haven't bought anything recently after putting myself on a shopping ban. I'm not going on the 100 day one because I have Valentines and Luke's birthday all coming up so I know I'm going to break that eventually.

I need to start saving money and stop spending it on so many ridiculous things. I genuinely buy so much food when I really don't need to because there's so much food I could cook myself at home, but it's the novelty of it being there, already prepared I guess. To help me stop spending I've given my boyfriend my cash card and he's given me his for the same reasons, this will help me so much because I never have cash in my purse, so not having my card will stop me spending and the little I will spend will be pocket money from my grandparents so will only be a couple of ££ a week.

Recently the hours have decreased drastically at work, because of it being January (I work in retail) and I've gone from 20+ hours a week to 6.. I'm lucky to get 6 because some people, more or less full time, are only getting 15. This has worried me alot because I don't know how I'm going to afford things. I've got all the makeup and beauty stuff I need so it's just stopping myself from buying food and hunting in the sales. I regret buying half the things I did now, so much :(

Anyway, I'm doing a little blog sale, nothing extravagant just a little bit of makeup and nail polishes, maybe some tops and clothes, books maybe. I'm not sure yet because obviously I need to check out how much everything's going to set me back to send to you lovely bunch (UK only I'm afraid)

Hopefully I'll sort that out soon!


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Pre-Christmas Haul

Before Christmas, and before I'd started this blog (beauty wise) I went to a shopping place in Southhampton with my birthday money and bought myself some things I've been wanting for a very long time but couldn't justify spending my wages on since Christmas was so close.

I got my newest favourite item from here, a lovely deep blue cardigan with pink and green bits on it, I've literally worn this to every casual thing I've done over christmas, it's so warm and I feel like it's abit dressier than most cardi's I own. This was reduced in the sale from £25 to £10 so it was a steal in my opinion! I also bought a striped shirt which is white with blue stripes, or blue with white stripes.. It's lovely and for £12.99 I couldn't resist!

I also bought a few tops, some reduced, some non reduced :) I'm always after buying new, but quite plain tops as I find they last me alot longer than some of the heavy print ones. The tops were all reduced to £3 and the striped top a mere £7! 

New Look
I'd spent months and months debating whether to buy myself a skirt, because I'm more a jeans or leggings sort of person, but I finally decided to buy myself a little black one as a starter one. I haven't wore it as of yet because I was waiting to purchase some little black boots to wear with it (most of my shoes are either white, pink, or brown). Today I bought those so I'm sure it'll be worn to college once I'm back!

The photo on the right is the texture of the dress, I bought this one in particular because I liked how it was a more rough texture than the sleek school type skirts.

If you have any thoughts about what I could wear this with I'd be so grateful as now I'm stuck for ideas! 

These I bought today, so not really pre-christmas but they're to be worn with the skirt above so I thought I'll put them in here. They're from the Tammy range and unfortunately I find myself buying from that section because they have lots of size 3's or 2's for me! I'm not sure about the heel yet, but I'm sure it'll look okay once I've forgotten about that :) They're a nice faux leather which means I finally have a pair of boots I can wear when it's raining!

Cath Kidston
After buying a book bag the year before and then realising I have to take too many books for college to fit into the bag I decided to treat myself to a new, bigger type of pretty much the same bag. I love Cath Kidston items, admittedly full price they are very pricey but the shopping centre is like an outlet so everything was quite cheap really!

I picked up this bag reduced from £35 for £19 and I love it, I use it everyday to college and sometimes when I'm after a bag to grab and go it's this one. Admittedly, it's easy to loose little things in the bottom of it because it doesn't have a base, it's just sewn in, but I tend to put little things in the front pockets now, which unlike with my old one, are sewn in at the middle instead of a popper button.

I also picked myself up a purse, because the one I bought the year before was like a wallet, and so when I put change into the pouch the zip of the purse wouldn't actually do up. It was then I decided to buy myself a larger one, originally I hadn't wanted a long purse as I find my bags are too small for them, but they didn't have any ones inbetween so I bought this one. It's super handy and has lots of card slots for all my giftcards and membership cards. 

Fat Face
I never normally shop here as I think it more of an surfer style shop but I went in and bought myself some 'pointless' gloves. They're the type that don't have finger holes it's just cut straight across the knuckles, but since having my iPhone normal gloves just won't cut it because it means having to take them off every time I want to use my phone - not helpful. 

I feel more feminine wearing these too, and I find they look better with my leather jacket than actual gloves do. They're hand knit and have cute little buttons on the side. I love them! P.s I apologise for my poorly painted nails, they've chipped and I haven't been bothered to redo D: 

That's it! I'm done spending now for 2013.. Only on birthday presents and Valentines and Christmas hehe. Oo and Easter.. :D

Any comments or outfit ideas welcome too! I'd love to hear from you all:D xxx

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

MUA Review

My first product review!

Since buying the MUA range I hadn't used it, so today I used it finally and I have to say I'll be repurchasing this until it goes out of stock! Its an absolutely brill product and for £10's worth of product in the photo above, considering I have two BB cream's when I only need 1 really there's £6's worth I know I will be using this again and again and again.

The photos on the right, as awful as they are, are only the products in the photo above and I think that's a fab result, coverage wise. Because at the mo, after all the christmas choccies my skin is awful, I have atleast 5 spots which are loud and red and horrible.

The BB cream itself is very very good. I used my Simple moisturiser as a base/primer then used a damp makeup sponge (from the Poundshop) to apply the cream. In comparison to the BB cream I usually use, Garnier's BB cream in Light, its more runny, more like a liquid foundation than a cream, but it still applies evenly and it doesn't highlight my pores on my nose - I have problems with them, they're huge and other foundations/BB creams tend to highlight them!! - and it's super easy to blend in. I'm glad I waited to get the Medium (shade 2) shade as the others would have been either too light or too dark. This shade was perfect for me and I could easily apply more on the lighter areas of my face to even it out a little. As for the packaging, it's good in my eyes. A few people said that it often squirts too much out so they waste product, I didn't find this however but that might be because I'm used to tube style creams. All in all, an excellent product which I'm sure I will continue to buy.

The pressed powders are equally good. The packaging is super cute and looks as professional as other brands such as Rimmel etc but they're 70% less in price! The pigments within the powders are brill too, I found shade 3 matched the BB cream I was using so I used that as a setter for the BB cream and then used shade 4 for a little bit of contouring (as suggested by Lauren at peachycurves.blogspot.com - a very lovely blogger!) on my cheeks where the natural dent is - yes, I made the fish face haa! The powders apply so well and don't sit ontop of the BB cream I found they blend in and create a skin like look. You do only need a tiny tiny bit of the powder though on your brush, I made the mistake of thinking it would be quite transparent and had to take most of it off as it was so thick and lovely.

MUA have fully converted me to their products and for the price I am mega impressed! I can't believe I paid a £1 for the powder when I've been used to paying a good £4/£5 for a standard setting powder. I haven't tried any of their mascara's or anything as of yet as I've still got plenty in my No7 one (a present from my lovely boyfriend), but when that runs out I'll be running to Superdrug!

Amazing products at amazing prices! 

Disclaimer: All opinions mentioned are my own. I have not been asked to promote or demote products by anyone else.

Sales Haul!

Now usually, I'm not one to go out in the sales until the end of January, but this year my mumma dragged me out at 9am to Beaumont Leyes because she wanted a coat.. I'm happy, and slightly surprised, to say how not busy it was though at 9am. Considering I didn't want to buy anything I bought myself some, what I think, to be nice things.

New Look
Usually New Look's sales depress and scare me to be brutally honest, walking around in the cold which people's elbows jabbing into your ribs? No thanks. The store however was quite nice and clean and spacious, to my surprise..

I bought two things and saved a whopping £30! Being money conscious in the New Year I was so happy with these purchases. I bought this minty/flecked jumper with shiny elbow pads which was £10 reduced from £25 - it's a little long for me in the arm because I'm stumpy so the elbow pads aren't quite in the right place, but it's so warm and toasty. Ps. in the photo's it looks more grey, but in real life its quite greeny.

I also bought a dress, and for those of you who know me I am not a dressy person at all, but I now own 3 'going out' dresses and I thought I might as well buy another incase there are any more occasions arising. It's a lovely deep blue with little orange and turquoise flowers on, and I loved the scalloped edge around the bottom and arms.

This little item was reduced from £25 to £10 again! Absolute bargain, and I prefer this style of dress as it's simple and I don't have to worry about too many accessories - lazy, I know!

After reading so many reviews and recommendations of MUA products I finally bought myself some. I picked myself up 2 of their BB creams (£4 each) in Medium (shade 2), a pressed powder again in shade 3 and another pressed powder in shade 4 (£1 each) because I wasn't sure which one was best suited, I'd have thought they would have the same numbers for same shades but no. Shade 4 is pretty dark but I thought shade 3 was more like the BB cream shade, so I've got to try these out. 

Here's a very poorly taken swatch photo (sorry:(!) 

Shade 3 on the left and 4 on the right :) 

Whilst I was in there I needed to stock up on cotton wool pads as I used my last a few days ago, I use them for everything - nail polish removal, makeup removal.. they're so handy to use and I always keep a stash in my purse. I also bought, after recieving it in my Christmas stocking, the Simple 'kind to skin replenishing rich moisturiser' as they're currently half price. Usually I go for the tubs of moisturiser with the Day and Night (£4 each) type but I figured with this I'm getting 3 times the product for half the price of the tub! So I picked up 2 of those as I know I'll go through them really quickly. 

I've been searching around everywhere for good little storage boxes that will fit into my cupboard because it's always a mess and I want to keep everything organised and tidy this year *fingers crossed*. We were in Tesco anyway so I thought I'd have a look and see what they had, bearing in mind I didn't want to pay alot because they're going to be hidden most of the time anyway. I managed to pick up 6 boxes for £6! Admittedly they were only plain white and the type you can fold away so they're only cardboard, but I thought why not! I got home and decided they were a little plain looking so I thought I'd decorate them with pretty paper and stick a label on them. 

The two without labels haven't got a use yet so they don't have labels, but I'm sure I'll have found one by the end of the month! Hehe.

All in all I'm pretty impressed with how they turned out, £6 boxes that I think look super cute and I can now leave my cupboard doors open without every man and his dog seeing the state of my affairs. 

I so nearly forgot about these as they're on my feet ha! I've needed some slippers since the Summer but I never really thought about getting any as I normally wear socks around the house, but I spotted these and couldn't resist! Reduced from £12 to £4 it was definitely a bargain not to be missed.

I think that's all for my haul really, sorry about the heaving blogs recently. They'll become less heavy over the month as I stop buying things and try to save..

I'd love to hear any comments you have too, so please comment away! :D Ps. I'm 15 page views away from 100 - although I have a mere 2 followers so far :( If you'd like any reviews of these too it'd be lovely to hear from you! 

What I got for Christmas!

I'm quite excited to write this post, as sad as that sounds, and I'm not writing it to show off I'm simply showing what I got because I know I like to have a nosey around at what other people got too :')

I got alot of little things, and sets of beauty stuff which is always lovely! But beware, this post is going to be a chunky little monkey I feel, sorry; but it's split into brands, because I got a fair bit of beauty stuff I think brands is best.

The Body Shop
Well, as everyone knows, or should know. I have eczema, which means my skin is suuuuupersensitive to bath lotions/creams/shower gels even shaving creams so I have to be very particular and weary when buying or trying new beauty products. I can NEVER go wrong with the Body Shop however, every product I have bought, been bought and tried is perfect and gives me no reaction whatsoever, no itching, burning, reaction - nothing. So when I received lots of Body Shop gifts this Christmas I was over the moon and itching to try them!

I received all these beautiful goodies!

I was super happy when I unwrapped these, especially the big set of Shea butter items from my boyfriend's mum. I'd never tried that particular scent before so I couldn't wait to tear it open and try them out. In the gorgeously gold tin you got a 100ml bottle of Shea Beautifying Oil, a shower scrungy (haven't got a clue how to spell that! sorry!), a 200ml pot of Shea sugar body scrub and a 250ml bottle of Shea shower cream. Needless to say I used all of these Christmas Day in prep for Christmas tea around the grandparent's house. 

They smell amazing and it leaves my skin so so so soft, unbelievably soft after just one wash, and I like how the smell of it lingers on your skin for the entire day but isn't overpowering like you've literally soaked yourself in the stuff. It's a really hard smell to describe though, but I really recommend it!

I also received a box containing the sample sized bottles of Coconut shower gel and milk body lotion, both 60ml bottles. I have yet to try the milk body lotion yet as the Shea butter stuff is currently my favourite but I love the coconut items and repurchase the shower gel often so I'm sure I'll love the milk lotion too!

I also got two new body butters, the Blueberry one I've tried before and at first I found the scent can be a little off putting, but once it's on your skin it smells lovely, nice and subtle. I've not tried the Cherry one yet but I know I smelt it in the shop and wanted to buy it!

FCUK isn't a brand that I'd purchase myself but my auntie always buys me such nice things from there and I genuinely love the items she picks. Everytime I find a counter or shop selling the products nothing catches my eyes! 

She bought me a lovely diary planner set with body goodies to go with it

I adore the diary, again it isn't something I'd usually pick up and think 'oo this is me' but I know for a fact I'm going to use it next year! It's a lovely black glossy outer with gold edged paper. The layout of the diary pages itself surprised me, I was expecting, because it's a small diary that the days would be too small for me to write everything in, but they've set it out nicely so you have one side with the dates and an extra page for notes which is brilliant. 
The body spray and body souffle included in the set smells lovely and I can happily say I'm safe to use them on my skin! I tend to spray my clothes which the spray as opposed to my skin itself but I found the smells stays on my clothes alot longer than my skin!

I LOVE simple products, and it's killing my purse. I'm quite tight, I suppose, with my money when it's being spent on me so I often find myself not buying Simple products when they aren't on offer, despite them being wonderful for my skin. I only buy their face care items and I had recently ran out of the toner and moisturiser I used regularly so was ever so pleased when my mum included this little set in my stocking.

The three items - 50ml Facial Wash, 50ml Hydrating Moisturiser and a 50ml Toner - came in an adorable little mesh bag which I am now using as my home makeup bag. I know for sure that I will be using these products on a daily basis, and more than likely will be repurchasing when on offer! They always leave my skin so soft and clean which is nice as I found other washes of the same sort left my face feeling tight and itchy! They have no perfume to them which I adore as it makes them perfect for my eczema and dry prone face and neck.

I didn't want to do each product individually now because they're singular items but still need to be included! 

Fiona bought me a lovely Barry M nail polish in sparkly pink, the official name and number is '337 - Pink Silver Glitter'. I knew as soon as I opened it that this would be a nail polish that I'd use constantly, despite other glitter nail polishes I found this one comes of moderately easy compared to most glitter nail polishes but I suspect they're all going to be buggers when it comes to taking it off.

I also got a lovely bag from another auntie which had inside a whole load of beauty products, which unfortunately, I won't be able to use. I did a little test patch on my arm and it inflamed like god knows what. But the bag itself is lovely, again to my surprise as it isn't something I'd buy for myself, it being black and glossy like the diary. It's a lovely big bag which I'll probably use for weekend trips or when I stay round my boyfriends. In the picture I also added a few little goodies I got from various people.

Last, and my no means least I got a pair of Nike Blazer Los from my boyfriend. They aren't the sort of thing I'd usually go for but I adore them, it's just annoying because they're suede and it's been raining too much for me to wear them yet :( 

Sorry for such a heavy post - any comments and suggestions for other blog posts are welcome! Please follow me too, I'd love that :) or get in touch with me via twitter or email @chloelpsie and chloelouisecope@gmail.com :D

Setting myself a challenge.

So for 2013, since I'm going to be nearing the end of my teenage years (kind of, turning 19) I'm going to be looking for expensive things to buy, such as a car, insurance, possibly yet very unlikely a flat or house of some sort, I'm going to need to save cash - and lots of it.

I keep a spending journal - gaaay I know, but responsible - and in it I take note of what I buy, not like each item specifically, but in general, eg. Beauty products - £10, Hair products - £5 etc. From looking over this the past year I've realised how much money I actually waste on beauty and hair products a month! It's quite silly really, considering I'm not that way inclined. Take January 2012 for example, I spent £30 on beauty and hair products alone in a week, admittedly I didn't re-stock until March on some but to me that's a lot of money that I've basically put onto my face or sprayed into my hair. So, I've decided I'm going to set myself a little challenge and I'm keeping it here as a permanent record of this challenge should I chose to deny/break the rules. (I know I will break, probably)

Starting now, 29th December 2012, I'm going to:

Spend a maximum of £10 per month on beauty & hair products (unless restocking)
I think this is a good idea for me personally because actually, not to boast, but I don't actually get that many spots anymore so I don't really need a tub of Clearasil every month when the others are still moderately full.. and I don't reeeally need to buy a different shampoo & conditioner because 'it smells nicer than the one I have already' which is probably still full. Admittedly, I realise when I need to stock up on things like my Body Shop body butters I'm going to break the £10 limit, but they last me an AGE so that'll only be once or twice a year. Plus, I got 2 pots for christmas making a total of 6 pots so I should be okay for another year or two on that count.

Get a pen pal!
I would honestly love to have someone to send letters and gifts and just all things pen pally, I don't mind if they're in the UK too but just someone to receive letters from and send letters too, ee.