Saturday, 29 December 2012


Okay, it may seem waaaaaaaaay early to be talking about summer term and the end of my final year at college when we've not even finished 2012 yet, BUT I am super super excited for the end of term, as in the summer term. (I think that's the one I mean) - the one when we all finish for the year and get to go off in our own little lives; that one. I can't explain to anyone how excited I am for that and why because they don't understand it.

My mum didn't get it, she thought I was being silly and said how I'll 'miss school' and I'm not denying that in some stressful point in my life I won't wish I was back at school, but I know for a fact I won't miss it, hardly ever. It's a funny thing really, because I chose to stay on for 'Further Education' (A-Levels) and I could have left, but at the age of 16 was I really ready to leave school? No. However, at the age of 18 I am 1000000% certain I am ready to leave education behind and start my new pathway into a full-time job or apprenticeship. And that is the reason I am so excited.

Even though I'm not moving from home, or moving anywhere the thought of waking up in the morning and not dreading going into college I will cherish forever. So many good things are going to come and I am suuuper excited.

The majority of people are going to University, fair enough. That's not for me, but please stop rubbing it in my face that you're going, because really.. I don't care. Yes I'm happy for you because you're going and you've got places, but don't make me feel like I should to meet expectations that aren't even there. -stopping now because this is a rant on a happy post- ...

I'll be so happy when the last day of term comes, or the first day of exam leave, if that ends at the same time. I'll be able to earn a living and spend my time with the people who matter the most. What else could anyone ask for? :D

Friday, 28 December 2012

New Years Plans

Its the time of year now where everyone's coming out with the drastic changes to their lives their going to stick to for all of about 3 weeks then it'll be forgotten about, and admittedly that's been me in the past but this year I've decided to give my slightly broader achievements and targets to hit for the entire year, so I've compiled a list of all the things I want to achieve in 2013 and hopefully I'll be able to look back this time next year and see how I set realistic, achievable goals for myself..

Some of the things I want to achieve/do:

  • Pass my driving and theory test (not necessarily having my own car)
  • Achieve A*, B, C/D in my A-Levels (the A*'s a personal target, perhaps more realistic is an A)
  • Enjoy a cheap holiday with my boyfriend in Skegness
  • Find an apprenticeship/job in ICT or Software Development
  • Make sure my boyfriend has the best 21st birthday
  • Be happy and less stressed (appears every year!!)
  • Spend my money wisely and hopefully save lots!
  • Give items to charity atleast twice a year
  • Have a successful beauty blog with Fi 

I think that's about all for now, I'm sure I'll add to this as the year goes on, but hopefully they'll be crossings out too! *fingers crossed*


As I've got older (past 2 years) I've become more and more excited with Christmas and NYE so writing a post about it is really odd for me haha as usually it's just 'another day'..

But I thought I'd take note of some of the wonderful gifts I received this year, along with the lovely things I did along the way. Ps. I know Christmas was only 3 days ago so to be writing about it so soon seems absurd but I'm in the mood to blog(!) and I doubt I'm doing anything else Christmas related now :')

So, Christmas Eve. Well, I was working. But I got home and watched Bugs Life, Toy Story 1, 2 & 3 then Lady and the Tramp - not especially Christmassy I know but it was just the build up to Santa and everything. I love watching films in bed but often find that I don't have time when I'm at college or on the weekend because by the time I'm home and I've eaten I just want to sleep.

Christmas Day! Santa!!
This was the same as every year really, open all the presents within an hour then we all sit as a family in the front room playing/reading/using and doing whatever with our gifts for a good few hours until it's time to prep the dinner. Had a lovely Christmas dinner at home, then we nip round my gramps' house for more presents and Christmas tea, which we are never actually hungry for but we eat anyway.. Oo, we also get all the photo albums out and have a trawl through those..

I got some wonderful presents this year :)! Lovely pjs from Fiony along with an adorable little notebook and nail varnish, my baby got me my DS which I had for a birthmas present and then a pair of trainers which I ADORE but can't wear yet because they're suede and it's raining:( BOO. Driving lessons from my mumma and pappa as a main gift, then a few little nicknacks and beauty essentials which I was running out of :'). My boyfriend's mum got me a lovely set from the BodyShop (which is brill 'cause my eczema only allows me stuff from there) which had a body scrub, body/hair oil and bath/shower gel in there and it also came in a wicked tin which I'm using to store all my goodies :') I got heaps of chocolate which is making me so fat and spotty I've given most of it to people at work haha, not being ungrateful, just looking after myself :')

Boxing Day. Well, back to work it is :( bye bye Christmas. That wasn't too bad, it wasn't such a late finish then it was round Luke's house for Christmas dinner with his dad and sister, that was so goooood, but I only ate a little bit beings as I was still full from the main day!

Normally that's it for my christmas festivities, but this year I was so happily included in Luke's grandparents' proceeedings and I met all his close relatives, uncles, aunties, cousins etc and that was so good. I'm pretty sure his entire family are like so cool but that's not the point. Had such a lovely day there yesterday:) and his grandparents got me a little talcum powder set which I'm sure I will use :)

Anyway, this is a loooooooong and boring post haha, sorry! Hopefully the beauty/fashion/lifestyle blog with Fiony will be up and running soonies, then I can post all my christmas presents muaha.

Ttfn :)x

Monday, 17 December 2012

Am I sad?

I've had, what I think, is a really cool idea for fashionistas, fashion bloggers and myself. I really struggle some days to think of nice outfits for college/everyday so I give up and try to think of one in the 45 minutes I have to get ready for college, which of course is even worse..

So I may, might, not sure yet, make like literally a look book. A book of photos of my outfits that I like and find wearable, and keep it somewhere (under lock and key - my boyfriend would die with laughter if he ever found out!!) so for my 'off days' too look back at and think "oo I've not worn that in a while" and bang! outfit's decided!

Thinking about it now I could always pinch other bloggers' outfits for inspiration. I'm actually so wanting to do this right now.. It'd help with mine and Fi's blog too.. HM.


I'm so excited to start the blog with Fi though, like genuinely so excited. I've got outfits and hauls and everything already.. 

I need to stop sounding sad hahaha :') 

Wednesday, 12 December 2012


Can't believe I've left it until the 12th of December to write about the big C - disappointed with myself.

I'm actually enjoying the build up and everything to Christmas this year, normally I'm a big scrooge and 'bah hum bug' is my middle name but this year's different somehow.. I don't know whether it's because now I've truly found 2 amazing friends (not saying that last year's Christmas was rubbish, because it wasn't because I had my boy, but y'know, friends are nice too) and I feel like they're genuinely honest and open with me; but I'm so excited to give them their presents! I've not bought it all yet (oops) but I have a list, mental and physical, of what I'm getting them and I'm working my way down it!

I was stressing about Luke's present when the 1st day came, because he's already had one present, and he's getting one in parts because I'm not rich! Then I thought, he's not going to have anything to open?! D: and that can't happen! So I stressed and stressed but I think I've found some lovely things for him that are between me and him, kind of in-jokes I guess, but then some normal things too! I've finally ordered his sister her present, I've already bought his mums and it's just his dads to go now!


Me and my mumma fell out on Monday (morning) and we didn't speak until like late last night, but as a forgiveness plea she bought me a few bits and bobs she knew I'd had my eye on recently - not saying that presents and clothes is the best way to get forgiveness but it worked :D - so I'll probably put photos of that 'haul' on here when mine and Fi's blog is up and running!

This is totally not related to Christmas anymore, so I'm going to leave before this comes a huuuuge essay about my life and pooey.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee friends!:D

vlogging/fblogging update!

Well, in my last post which seemed oh, so long ago, I mentioned a bit about starting a fashion/beauty blog as a few certain individuals are inspiring me to create my own..? So, I put this idea into action and got talking to my bestie Fi, and we've decided to start our own little blog about fashion and beauty and everything girly!

I'm genuinely so excited, we've spoke about how it's going to look, what our first post will be, how often we'll post.. We're kind of sad.. Unfortunately, it's not took off yet, there's alot of chat about it but we've not actually stuck pen to paper, so to speak.

I'm hoping to nudge the idea along with her once both our workloads from college have decreased so hopefully, within the next few days or a week or so I will be sharing our blog!
So excited! eeeeee.

On a personal note, I've ordered some Kickers! :D Genuinely can't wait for those to come either, love love love 'em. :D

Monday, 3 December 2012


This is a really random post for me, like, it's about clothes and fashion and vlogging and everything that was so not me haha.


I'm actually really gettting into the fashion scene, despite what my clothing reflects I'm quite into what's 'in' or just how I can make my clothes better.. things like Instagram isn't helping my cause though, I'm pretty sure I just follow anyone slightly fashion related haha :)

There are so many really cool beauty and fashion bloggers out there though, I really didn't realise! 
To name a few: @BloggerEda @fashjunkieblog (Twitter) @mandy_faith @coppergarden (Instagram)

I'm really getting into the idea of dressing to show your personality, whereas before I literally used to dress to keep warm or cool.. but I think that's because I never really used to have 'girlfriends' when I was younger, I'd always be the 'tomboy' one playing football or something haha! Don't get me wrong I still love it and I will probably always prefer boy 'mates' simply because of the no bitchy aspect.. My 2 girlbesties will always be my besties though :D F&R you ruuuuuule!

Anywaaay, slightly off topic.. 

Fashion's becoming quite a hobby of mine now, not a good thing for the ol' bank balance but hey ho. 

Bye for now anyway.. Watch this space for a fashion blog too! xD I'd genuinely love to have a successful fashion blog hurrah!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Geeky technology post

So, I love computers and prior to this post I have always been very anti-internet explorer and Microsoft so have always gone with Apple software like their Safari browser etc; however I have to say I am LOVING Google Chrome! It's absolutely wicked, and after getting Windows 7 on the college computers I'm reverting back to Microsoft!

Genuinely love the fact that everything in Windows 7 is organised, and pinning important documents really helps when I have like 70000000 tabs and docs open to do course work.. I just love it, the look of it's really swish and groovy and I think it's fab compared to Vista which I have on my laptop, if I was rich enough or silly enough I'd spend the 100s of pounds on software updates but I'm stuck with Vista at the mo.

I've spent about an hour now customising my tabs and theme and apps on Google Chrome, it's just so much better than Safari. The only reason I went with Safari was because Internet Explorer was boring, and despite IE7 coming out to 'rival' GoggleC I still think it is.

People need to start using GoogleC! My circles are genuinely so lonely, but then again I don't think I'll even use them that often 'cause it's not my sorta thing.

Ahhh, love being a geek. Hahahahah.

Toodles for a while xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Friday, 30 November 2012

Everyone's 18 :D

My friends are finally 18! Fiona's meal tonight :) quite excited for food, not the getting ready part. Bleurgh.


Talk sooooooon xxxxx

Sunday, 25 November 2012


Am genuinely so excited for Wednesday :') cannot wait to see Fi's face :D

Oo, had a lovely 16 months with ma boo :) take out pizza and down the pub with his friends :') twas loverlyyyyy.


Thursday, 22 November 2012

16 months, pretty long time right?

Just a quick one because I know I won't have time to do one tomorrow. P.S, if you don't like soppy, don't read this one :D Also, if you don't know me, there's going to be A LOT of soppy posts towards the end of the month (anniversary time) :D

I've been with my babyboy 16 months tomorrow. Genuinely the happiest thought ever.

No offence to ma homies but I don't know what I'd do without him in all honesty. He's like my bestfriend and boyfriend and everything else in my life and I'm such a lucky girlie to have him:) Gah. Don't know what to write to say my feelings but nevermind.

I'm excited for tomorrow, we're having a take-out night date, pjs, take-out pizza, a movie and possibly a couple o' beers. Best Friday night ever, so much better than your going out getting drunk being sick night. Eeeeeek.

Going to bed now - at half 8, really?

Tarra for now. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Blogger virgin v.2

Yayurrrrrrrrrrrr! Got myself a new blog bitches.

I've had one before y'see, and it turned into a place of very unhappy thoughts and times which I wish to put behind myself in my aim to rid myself of the little people who don't matter and focus on the big people who do matter. However, saying this it probably will be at times a place of rantings and unhappiness - apologies.

The BIG people in ma life:

Ma baby Lukeeeeeeeeee



And then my family, but I think that's enough photos for my first blog..