Monday, 17 December 2012

Am I sad?

I've had, what I think, is a really cool idea for fashionistas, fashion bloggers and myself. I really struggle some days to think of nice outfits for college/everyday so I give up and try to think of one in the 45 minutes I have to get ready for college, which of course is even worse..

So I may, might, not sure yet, make like literally a look book. A book of photos of my outfits that I like and find wearable, and keep it somewhere (under lock and key - my boyfriend would die with laughter if he ever found out!!) so for my 'off days' too look back at and think "oo I've not worn that in a while" and bang! outfit's decided!

Thinking about it now I could always pinch other bloggers' outfits for inspiration. I'm actually so wanting to do this right now.. It'd help with mine and Fi's blog too.. HM.


I'm so excited to start the blog with Fi though, like genuinely so excited. I've got outfits and hauls and everything already.. 

I need to stop sounding sad hahaha :') 


  1. I think that is such a fantastic idea! You could put photos on the inside of your wardrobe door or something! absolutely genius x

    1. Aw thank-you! You're the first person to comment on my blog, eee that's made me so excited! Thank-you :D

      But I've decided now to do it, it may take a while but it's easier!

      Thank-you!! xxx
